Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sports and Conduct

Professionals and even student athletes all make mistakes. Whether it’s during a game, on the streets, or in the classroom, mistakes are made and there has to be consequences. In the pros, it’s a fine, in college you’ll probably do a lot of running or get suspended, and in high school you could get kicked off the team. The fact that these rules are in affect shows that commissioners, coaches, directors of athletics, and town and state boards of education really want athletes to succeed on and off the court and represent themselves in the right manner. This is clearly the right thing to do, but the game would go on without it. If a football player rushes for 300 yards in a game, goes and burns down a building the next day, and has even better game the next week, he’s still a good athlete and sports would still get the publicity. By these commissioners’ stepping in and setting rules it shows that they don’t just want good athletes; they want good genuine people on and off the field or court. To make a more direct analogy, a student athlete being recruited to play division I baseball decides at the end of his senior year he’s not going to go to class anymore. No college is going to want someone that’s not going to be a hard worker on the field or off the field, because odds are, if you “turn it on and off” in the classroom, you might do that on the field to. Nothing in life is a give in besides death. We have to work hard each and every second of everyday if we want to succeed, and rules and regulations like these show that all the commissioners and people with authority really do care and want the best for their athletes’ in every which way possible.- Joe Nitti


  1. I strongly agree with you. As you said, conduct does go beyong the court, or the field. That it is why it is vital for we as human beings to be able to show that we have control over our actions. It is even more important for us as Christians, and part of God's family to show that we have control of our actions. As soon as we step outside of our homes, we are representations of Christ. We are to show the world how Christians should act and we are also to be a model on how others should contain themselves as well. Just like the commissioner sets the standards on athletes, God sets the standards on his children, and that is what we as Christians are to follow. The Bible is our manual to live and lead a healthy, God-fearing life.
    - Eddie Johnson

  2. I believe you are completely correct. The rules of conduct is rules that we should follow to become a better person outside of sports. It is just like the Bible. The Bible shows and teaches us how us as children of God just act to eachother and ourselves. Especially professional athletes should be good human beings because they are many people role model. So they should follow Jesus's footsteps. He is everyone's role model.- John Jaramillo

  3. This seems somewhat redundant and could have been covered under sportsmanship. A few scripture verses come to my mind here: "They will know we are Christians by the way we love;" and "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
